Our Testimonials

A few words from our satisfied clients.

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"Andrea has been a huge help. I was having personal relationship problems as well as a medical crisis and wanted someone to talk to. Being able to have someone come to my home and listen was just what I needed. Thank you, HomeTalk."
diet coke
Ann Arbor, MI
"After my husband died, Andrea cared for and kept me company while my daughter arranged the sale of my Victorian home and I moved to my new senior independent apartment. Andrea is very patient and kind. She saved the sanity of both me and my daughter. And well worth her fee!"
C. Stevens
Ann Arbor, MI

More About HomeTalk Cooperative of Mental Health Social Workers.

HomeTalk Co-op’s 10 Strategies to Improve Mental Health Services in Michigan:
1. Help expand programs to train mental health non-clinician providers in areas lacking mental health services.
2. Recruit and support applicants for mental health workforce training from rural and under-served areas.
3. Assist in training more social workers in mental health competencies.
4. Promote effective use of first-aid mental health trained community lay persons.
5. Advance the use of telemedicine through website and phone application.
6. Maintain and enforce recent gains in mental health coverage and parity.
7. Increase retention of competent mental health social workers in Michigan by increased financial compensation.
8. Encourage coverage design that reduces patient cost burden for mental health support.
9. Increase public awareness of mental illness and to value mental health treatment enough to pay for it.
10. Support client self-care, technology-assisted care.

HomeTalk Co-op Membership Benefits Include:
• Profit sharing.
• Group member cost savings.
• Established marketing plan and online social media exposure.
• Organization support to tailor and implement mental health policies to meet the specific mental health needs of their community.
• Customized phone app and website built to maximize work efficiency, reduce costs, and increase personal security.

Mental health is not a personal failure and there is no shame in seeking help.

We know how important it is for you to feel better

We can provide you with all of the same care as you could in an office but…

You get the help you need in the confort of your own home


Ann Arbor, MI
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Mike Stuart