About Us
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Who we are?
HomeTalk Mental Health Care
If you live in Washtenaw County and have an urgent emotional or mental health crisis, one phone call or e-mail can bring a HomeTalk social worker to your home to calm your anxieties and connect you with behavioral health resources in your community. The HomeTalk: In-Home Mental Health Care Agency is operated by HomeTalk Mental Health Social Workers’ Cooperative or HomeTalk Co-op, a Michigan professional cooperative of social workers. Our crisis counseling, short-term therapies, and case management services cost 60% less than other therapists and counselors in Washtenaw County. With one phone call, a HomeTalk social worker can respond when you need it. It’s not necessary to come to your home. Our social workers can meet you in a public location or talk online. HomeTalk is about meeting your needs at your convenience and comfort level.
Getting help from the mental health system can be hard and frustrating.
Our mission is to address the unmet needs of Washtenaw County residents with ill-mental health or in emotional distress with crisis counseling and yoga psychotherapy for an affordable fee. HomeTalk removes other barriers which keep people in our county from seeking psychiatric help such as lack of transportation, a reluctance to leave one’s home, or desire for discretion and anonymity.
What's not to love about HomeTalk?
Looking towards the future of the mental health system in our country and its deficiencies, it’s imperative our society appreciate and value the individual’s good mental health, understand the importance of treating ill-mental health, and recognize the personal benefits of paying for it, out of pocket, if necessary.
Call a HomeTalk social worker at 734.883.3923 today .