Andrea is a social worker and has two graduate degrees in urban planning and social work from the University of Michigan. She also has bipolar II disorder, ADHD, and anxiety. Andrea was first diagnosed with manic depression as a teenager at 17.
Andrea came up with the HomeTalk concept during an extended bipolar depression. She founded the in-home mental health care agency to give psychiatric support to individuals in Washtenaw County, like herself, who suffer alone in silence and frustration and provide them with social workers who listen with empathy, say a kind word, and lend a helping hand.
Due to gaps in the mental health system and a shortage of psychiatrists in Washtenaw County, Andrea unsuccessfully sought psychiatric services for months while struggling with untreated bipolar. Out of desperation, Andrea turned to her social work background, yoga practice, and lessons learned from a lifetime with mental illness to stabilize her illness. Andrea was able to continue to seek psychiatric care which she now receives.